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Robron Second Proposal Review

Writer's picture: talkingsoaptalkingsoap

What stood out most to us about Robron’s second proposal was the sheer happiness of it. We know Robron are naturally dramatic and end up in all kinds of trouble (which is just the way we want it!), but sometimes amidst all the grit, the show can forget to portray the good times and let viewers see just why Robert and Aaron are such magic in the first place. The reason is: they make each other happy. They seem younger when they’re together, yet more mature. Sillier, but more responsible. We think this is a great choice to take Robron forward as a married couple, and we also think there’s a lot of humour to be exhausted with Robron as dads. Imagine the dad jokes times two. Poor Seb and Liv!

There were plenty of parallels to earlier Robron moments, and our favourite was the fact Robron ended up at the lay by where they had their first kiss. Robron fans will have recognised the setting on sight, but as well as being a treat for fans, we think it did justice to the characters as the sort of place Robert and Aaron would choose for a proposal. As much as we hope they will have a big wedding, we think that Robron would prefer more intimate moments to be private, which was exactly what we got.

What a difference four years make! Robron in 2014, and Robron in 2018

There were plenty of quotable lines for Robron fans, but also some interesting insights into Robert and Aaron as characters.

When Robert kissed Aaron at the lay by in 2014, it was hard to read him. Robert hid so many of his emotions, and living a double life meant he was rarely able to be entirely truthful, perhaps not even to himself. So it was great to get some insight on what he was really thinking back then. It seems Robert was afraid of his feelings for Aaron, most likely because of Jack Sugden’s reaction to him with the boy in his bedroom at fifteen, and by Robert’s own admission, those feelings ‘petrified’ him.

Robert explains how he felt four years ago, and Aaron reassures him.

We think that’s very accurate for Robert’s character as a whole, whose worst deeds have always happened through intense fear. Fear of being discovered, of failure. So it was a nice touch to have Robert himself explain to Aaron what we had long assumed, that in taking away that fear of being truthful and allowing him to be himself, Aaron made Robert stop running, stop covering, stop digging deeper and deeper. What we’ve witnessed with Robert over the past year, is a man who has learned to take responsibility and step up, not for gain, but for the desire to be a better person. And that change happened because of Aaron. Robert started trying to be a better man for Aaron, which didn’t work because that wasn’t what Aaron wanted. But somehow during that time he started to want to be a better man for himself and those around him, and that is what we believe made Aaron love him all the more, and what Aaron was after all along.

We liked Aaron’s reference to Lachlan in the boot, and Aaron pointing out that he’s always known Robert faked the car breakdown four years ago. We also liked that it happened in fond scenery and with Robert’s iconic Porsche on show.

Thankfully the only thing in the boot this time was warm beer!

In terms of character development, we think this episode demonstrated a fresh start for Robron, likely signposting a positive new era for them.

Robert has risen to become a better man. He wants to be the best father he can be, most likely fuelled by his own issues with Jack. He wants to be the best husband he can be too. We hope he never loses his scheming nature and smart mouth, but we think that Robert could do with losing some of his villain edge for a while, or at least, store it until there’s an enemy bad enough to use it on! Robert, may we direct you to Lachlan White?

Aaron also demonstrated changes in tonight’s episode that many viewers have enjoyed. We’ve been used to seeing Aaron in more miserable storylines of late, so it was a pleasant surprise to have a genuine sense of being relaxed throughout Aaron’s scenes. Alone with Robert, even Aaron’s body language changes. He becomes less self-conscious, less hunched, grinning, even giggling. We’re not sure if that was intentional from Caroline Mitchell, or if it was cleverly decided on by Danny Miller, but either way, it worked excellently to show what a positive and healthy relationship Robron are today, while still keeping both in character.

Robert and Aaron laugh together

There was still the usual bickering and sulking, which all Robron fans love, (and we have no doubt will consider until Robron are in their eighties), but there was also banter and great affection. Overall, there was a sense of being entirely at ease with one another, and this message of Robron as a unit is something viewers have longed for.

Having Chas and Liv involved in setting Robron up was amusing, and felt natural. Lucy Pargeter’s Chas is always a delight to watch, but she was especially mischievous tonight, and shone in a double act with Isobel Steele’s Liv. Both Chas and Liv lost trust in Robert last year, so it was satisfying to see that he has now proved himself to them for what we hope is the final time. It was very clear they see him as family already.

Liv and Chas scheme to help Robron get engaged

The inclusion of baby Sebastian at the beginning of the episode, and Victoria both at the start and towards the end also added to the feeling of family. What comes across is a tight unit of extended relatives, which is part of what makes soaps so enjoyable to watch. We think that Robert and Aaron’s own family will be a successful new future dynasty all on their own!

Aaron and Robert tell Liv, Chas, and Victoria that they are now engaged

Robert asked Aaron if he’d like to adopt Seb this episode, and Aaron seemed pleased with the idea. There haven’t been many on screen clues as to Aaron’s relationship with his soon to be stepson, but without Rebecca in the picture, Aaron appeared touched by the idea, and instantly agreed. This would put Aaron in a similar role to Robert's mother, Sarah Sugden, who Robert loved dearly, and who adopted him while married to his father Jack.

Robert and his son, Sebastian, who he hopes Aaron will adopt

As for if that will ever go ahead, we’re not sure. For that to happen, Rebecca would have to leave or be killed off, and we’re enjoying the fierce mother Rebecca is becoming. We think that if Rebecca escapes her evil nephew’s clutches, Aaron might be able to apply for equal parental rights as Robert’s legal husband, and with Rebecca’s permission, which could be an interesting story to tell. In order to gain parental responsibility as a step parent in the UK, the individual must be married to the biological parent, and have the consent of the other people with parental responsibility, which we assume Rebecca would give.

There are also theories that Rebecca White may end up killing Lachlan in an escape attempt, and end up in prison, which could lead to Aaron gaining parental rights, but we will have to wait and see what twists and turns Emmerdale throw at us.

Liv, Seb. and Victoria watch as Robert leaves in the hopes of proposing to Aaron

Something we noticed this episode was the easy physical affection Robron showed. At Talking Emmerdale we think it’s a positive step to show LGBT couples being affectionate on television, something which can often be lacking due to fear of causing offence. It was nice to see Robron with the body language of a couple in love, as we think it will normalise LGBT relationships and help viewers become more accustomed to seeing LGBT couples on screen and in life. After all, it's time we all realised that love is love, no matter the genders involved!

Robert and Aaron share a kiss in the Woolpack

In summary, we believe Caroline Mitchell did a wonderful job with Robron’s double proposal episode, with plenty of fan pleasing, while also remaining true to character, but what do you think? Let us know what impressed you, and what you are looking forward to in Robron’s journey.

Will Robron get their happy ever after? We hope so!

A happy ever after for Robron?


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